Now Accepting Applications for:
Creative Technologies Academy, a self-managed non-profit public school (charter school) in Cedar Springs, Michigan, is seeking applications for the 2024-25 school year.
WHAT WE NEED: We are seeking an energetic, collaborative team member with a high level of organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills and a high degree of initiative.
Teaching Opportunities: (Click Here to Apply: Teacher Application)
Special Education Teacher
Support Staff Opportunities: (Click Here to Apply: Support Staff Application)
Part-Time Custodial
MS Boys Basketball Coach
JV Boys Basketball Coach
VR Boys Assistant Coach
Creative Technologies Academy (CTA) is self-managed and participates in the Michigan Retirement Program (MPSERS).
CTA teachers and leaders are committed to the vision of high expectations for achievement, equal access to high levels of instruction, the achievement of academic proficiency for all students, and the closing of the achievement gap among subgroups within the school.
CTA is an excellent place for those who seek to work in a culture that supports their creativity and innovation and respects their skills and abilities as an educator.
Creative Technologies Academy
350 Pine Street
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Creative Technologies Academy, a self-managed non-profit public school academy (charter school) in Cedar Springs, Michigan. CTA has approximately 310 students in K-12 and 16 students in Great Start Readiness Preschool.
CTA is self-managed, it participates in the Michigan Retirement Program (MPSERS).
CTA teachers and leaders are committed to the vision of high expectations for achievement, equal access to high levels of instruction, the achievement of academic proficiency for all students, and the closing of the achievement gap among subgroups within the school. CTA is an excellent place for those who seek to work in a culture that supports their creativity and innovation and respects their skills and abilities as an educator.
A letter of interest specific to this position, your resume, teaching certificate, and three letters of recommendation specific to teaching at CTA must be sent to Autumn Mattson, Superintendent, at amattson@ctachargers.org or postal mail at CTA, 350 Pine St., Cedar Springs, MI 49319.
Salary and benefits: to be negotiated based on qualifications and experience.
There are no other openings for positions at Creative Technologies Academy at this time. Persons interested in employment at our Academy may submit a general letter of interest and resume for positions that may become available in the future. Please submit all letters of interest and resumes to Autumn Mattson, Superintendent, by email at amattson@ctachargers.org.
Thank you for your interest in Creative Technologies Academy.
Autumn Mattson
CTA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic in its programs, activities, or employment opportunities.
Our Mission
Creative Technologies Academy is a Preschool-Grade 12 community of learners committed to changing our world by developing students in character, scholarship, and leadership.

All students can learn. Achieving the intended outcomes of the educational experience is within the grasp of every student, given the time and opportunity. Schools exist to foster learning and ensure the accomplishment of such learning by all students.

Earned success breeds success. Students’ success in authentic, meaningful, and challenging experiences affects their self-concept, motivation, and approach to learning. Providing students opportunities to succeed and acknowledging their accomplishments encourages students to seek further learning experiences.

Schools can provide an environment that enables students to thrive. There are strategies associated with successful teaching and learning. Schools can and should create the conditions for learning so that all students may reach a high level of success.

Schools are a functioning institution of the community. Schools should have opportunities, through service learning, to connect with their community.

Life at CTA